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PSY100: Evaluating Research Assignment

This guide will help you with your assignments for PSY100.

Help reading scholarly articles

These sources will help you read and understand the different sections of a scholarly journal article.

This video from Case Western University will help you more efficiently read a scholarly article.

Primary sources (research articles)

Woman looking through a microscopePrimary sources are ones where you are hearing from someone directly involved with the information.  For example, the author of the article was the one who performed the research experiment.

Look for the Methods section in the article to see what method was used.  You want the methods section to indicate the author was the one doing the experiment and not analyzing the work of others.  If you do not see a methods section or the article title has something like literature review, systematic review, or meta-analysis in it, look for other options.  There is more information on primary sources here: You can also schedule an appointment with a librarian in Starfish for assistance.

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